Greetings, Meat-bag! hope you are enjoying your sausage!

a black and blue logo for the site

30Percent NeoCities is maintained by jkhinzman; A musician, artist, a raconteur and a proud member of the 30Percent Studios Online Collective based just outside of the nation's capitol. I haven't done HTML and web d-sine in quite a while, but I am looking forward to having somewhere to express myself and to try to bring all of my creative endeavors together in under one homegrown umbrella.

I feel a desire to give my bona fides, not sure why as I am just typing to a computer at this point, but over the years I have been involved in numerous online projects including (but not limited to) 30Percent Studios, Descent Psychosis, and even Thee Hollowhed Tribe. I hope to explain a bit more on all of these as I build my way out of this website, but for now, let us just say I have watched this web evolve over time into some pretty horrible and counter-productive ideals. I have had enough of that and would like to create and/or be a part of something bigger than just myself. The goal of all of the projects I have been a part of has always been the same thing:

to bring together creatives and help them cross-pollinate so as to be stronger as a whole than the sum of it's parts

The idiom, stronger than the sum of it's parts is something that I have pondered throughout my life. That ideal that bringing people together can create a unit of individuals who will benefit from their colleagues. Learn from their successes and failures and be stronger for being a part of the unit. This is not just theory. I want to be a part of creating this unit. In any case, I see this web site as a fishing hook so as to hopefully find and meet these people.

so, I guess I should tell you about what else I'm into...

My diggables

perhaps you'd like to see my other website, Drama Adjacent I blogged there for a bit